Working Documents

These technical documents present the results obtained in the diagnosis phase on the risks of fraud, irregularities and corruption in public procurement. In them you will find detailed information on why it is important to manage this type of risk, what is the map of the inherent risks from which to start, and what are the institutional factors that generate them, enhance them or facilitate their perpetuation, and about which do prevention.

Working Documents 1 | Risks to Integrity in Public Procurement: Presentation of the Project
Working dRisks to integrity in public procurement. Presentation of the projectocuments 1 Presentation of the project, coinciding with the coming into force of Law 9/2017 on public sector contracts, enacted on 8 November 2017.


Working Documents 2 | The Aim of the Prevention Demanded of Contracting Authorities

The aim of the prevention demanded of contracting authorities

Specification of what the aim of prevention must be following approval of Law 9/2017 on public sector contracts, enacted on 8 November 2017.

WD02 Layout

Diagram of Working Documents 2



Working Documents 3 | Identification of the Risks to Integrity in Procurement

Identification of the Risks to Integrity in Procurement

We welcome your comments and contributions, which can be submitted by email to or anonymously, if you prefer, using the following form (in Catalan).



Documentos de trabajo 4 | Análisis de los riesgos para la integridad en la contratación (Analysis of the risks for the integrity in public procurement) (in Spanish)

DT04 Analysis of the risks for the integrity in public procurement

Factors and effects of risks and maps to facilitate analysis


Documentos de trabajo 5 | El factor humano (The human factor) (in Spanish)

DT05 The human factor

Motivations to transgress and personal risk factors.

DT05 Diagram

Diagram of Working Documents 5 (in Spanish)


Documentos de trabajo 6 | Los factores organitzativos (The organizational factors) (in Spanish)

Documentos de trabajo núm. 6 Los factores organitzativos

Incentives and risk opportunities derived from the internal functioning of each institution.


Documentos de trabajo 7 | Los factores procedimentales (The procedural factors) (in Spanish)

Documentos de trabajo núm. 7 Los factores procedimentales

Incentives and risk opportunities during the work process in a procurement record.


Documentos de trabajo 8 | Factores potenciadores y perpetuadores de los riesgos (Enhancing and perpetuating factors of risks) (in Spanish)

Enhancing and perpetuating factors of risks

How corruption is normalized in organizations.
Riesgos para la integridad en la contratación pública: Informe final (Risks to integrity in public procurement. Final report) (in Spanish)

Risks to integrity in public procurement. Final report

Risks to integrity in public procurement. Final report