Queries and recommendations In accordance with that provided in Article 33 of the Rules for Action and Internal Regulations of the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia, we provide a non-binding reply to queries addressed to us by bodies making up the public sector of Catalonia. Queries should be lodged in writing to the director of the Anti-Fraud Office, the reasons should be stated for their filing and they should be accompanied by such background materials as may be appropriate. The Anti-Fraud Office should provide a reply within one month from receipt of the query at the general registry of the Office. Also, based on the provisions of article 13 of the Rules of Action and Internal Regulations of the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia, we make recommendations on the prevention of corruption and reduction of opportunities for fraud in those people in the service of the administration and public institutions that ask us to. In some cases, our guidelines are also derived from our investigations.