Request for access to information at the Anti-Fraud Office You can send us your request for information addressed to the General Registry at or using the following Information form In case you do not use an identification system (mobile IDCAT), you should include the following information: Identity of the person requesting the information (name and surname(s)) DNI or NIE or passport number Clear, concise description of the information requested Contact address, preferably e-mail, to where the information should be sent As for the grounds for your request or the grounds for requesting the information, you do not need to indicate this on the form. If you do not want to motivate your request, you can indicate "no motivation" or what you consider appropriate in the corresponding section of the form. If you state the grounds, this will be taken into account when issuing the resolution. The absence of motivation will not, in any case, lead to the rejection of your application. Preferred format for accessing information Access is free and the reply should be provided in no more than one month, extendible by a further 15 calendar days when so required by the volume or complexity of the information requested. It should be pointed out that replies to information requests that are not published have been object of estimation within term by a communication substituting the formal resolution, in accordance with Article 34.8 of Catalan Law 19/2014, of 29 December, on transparency, access to public information and good governance, and in the terms of art. 73.1 of Decree 8/2021, of 9 February, on transparency and the right of access to public information. On the other hand, against the resolution that ends the procedure for requesting access to public information or against the administrative silence produced (if applicable), which implies the exhaustion of the administrative route, you can file a(n): Optional appeal for reversal before the director of the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia within one month from the day after the notification or from when the administrative silence takes place (art. 38 of Law 19/2014, of 29 of December and articles 123 and 124 of Law 39/2015, of 1 October), or Complaint before the Commission for the Guarantee of the Right of Access to Public Information within one month from the day after the notification or from when the administrative silence takes place (art. 39 and 42 of Law 19/2014 , Dec. 29), or Directly an administrative contentious appeal before the administrative contentious courts of Barcelona, within two months from the day after the notification or production of the silence (articles 8.3, 25, 46 and concordants of Law 29/1998, of 13 July, regulating administrative contentious jurisdiction). You can consult all the denials or partial estimates resolutions of the requests for access to information in our electronic headquarters: Electronic headquarters