Expert Opinions The Anti-Fraud Office is keen to draw on the opinion of experts who, from various perspectives, analyse the risks of corruption during the procurement procedure. The results of these collaborations are presented in the Opinions Expertes (Expert Opinions) series. The criteria and points made in these publications are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Anti-Fraud Office. Opinions expertes 1 | Anàlisi de la bibliografia sobre els riscos de corrupció en la contractació pública (Analysis of the Literature on the Risks of Corruption in Public Procurement) (in Catalan), Agustí Cerrillo i Martínez, Professor of Administrative Law at the Open University of Catalonia. Opinions expertes 2 | La competencia: la clau de l'èxit de la compra pública (The competition: the key to the success of the public purchase) (in Catalan), Susanna Grau Arnau and Xavier Puig Soler, Catalan Competition Authority. Opiniones expertas 3 | La profesionalización en contratación como medida preventiva. Retos diferentes para colectivos diferentes (Professionalization in public procurement as a preventive measure. Different challenges for different groups) (in Spanish), Anna Ciutat i Coronado, Deputy General Director of Regulation and Supervision of the Public Procurement of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Opiniones expertas 4 | Factores normativos que incrementan la probabilidad de los riesgos para la integridad en la contratación pública (Regulatory factors that increase the probability of risks to integrity in public procurement) (in Spanish), Gemma Enfedaque, head of the Technical Secretary, and Carla Ricci, senior technician of the Legal Area of the Technical Secretariat of the Advisory Board for Administrative Contracts of the Generalitat de Catalunya. The authors have carried out an unprecedented task of analyzing the regulations from the perspective of the risks to integrity in public procurement. Opiniones expertas 5 | Requisitos y consideraciones de fórmulas (Formula requirements and considerations) (in Catalan), Albert Olives Estruch, Head of Economic Analysis of the General Directorate of Public Procurement of the Generalitat de Catalunya. The author focuses on the poor choice and weighting of the award criteria or design of the scoring systems as a risk factor and makes a particularly technical contribution.