Data analysis and ICT Anti-Fraud approved its data analysis-based intelligence strategy in late 2020. This initiative responded to a twofold goal: first, to provide personal and material resources and knowledge and skills that allow Anti-Fraud to develop its own strategy in the field of data in the service of the optimal development of its mission and its functions; and secondly, to contribute to the implantation and development of a culture and data governance in Catalonia. To carry out the strategy, with an initial time horizon of 3 years, a dedicated work team was created: the Data Analysis Team. This space is now being launched where the results of this team will be published. This initiative is part of the development and consolidation of new global, technological, legal and social paradigms. On the one hand, in recent years there has been an exponential development of tools for data collection, processing and analysis, in parallel with the phenomenon of the dating of almost all areas of reality: mass and systematic obtaining of data on multiple aspects of human activity and especially public activity. On the other hand, a series of regulatory developments that have generated a particularly favorable context: A clear commitment of the Public Sector Contracts Laws to electronic and telematic means The generalization of the publication in digital support in Internet of the official bulletins and newspapers The introduction in our legal system of the paradigms of transparency and open data with the enactment of the laws of transparency and good governance (State Law of 2013 and Catalan of 2014), which, among others, impose on all administrations public obligations for active advertising and publication of data in the corresponding Transparency portal in exploitable and reusable formats In this context, it becomes essential for external control bodies such as the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia to make the most of the possibilities of interpreting, exploiting and even visualizing the large amount of public data in order to generate knowledge and information about the reality and, based on this knowledge, to be able to make predictions and anticipate developments in important areas of action of Anti-Fraud such as: public procurement; subsidies; civil service; urbanism. iMonitor Project. Enhancing law enforcement efficiency by bringing together public procurement data analytics and civil monitors The Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia participates in the European iMonitor project, a research and innovation project with the aim of establishing structures for citizen monitoring of certain public contracts, previously selected using data analysis tools, coordinated by civic entities that will carry out a fieldwork collecting information and critical evaluation of contracts. The result of this monitoring, when indicating the presence of irregularities or corruption, would be then transferred to the control authorities which at an institutional level and within their mandate and powers, would carry out their corresponding procedures. Automated alert systems in the field of public procurement (in Spanish) This study analyzes the technological systems that process data by means of algorithms of the contracting procedures, detects and automatically informs the control instances of the existence or the possibility of irregularities and, eventually, prevents their materialization.