Submissions on rules and regulations The Anti-Fraud Office undertakes actions to ensure rules and regulations take the perspective of integrity into account, with a view to managing corruption risks and minimising contexts conducive to irregularities. In accordance with that provided in Articles 13.2 d) and 32 of the Rules for Action and Internal Regulations of the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia, the Office makes submissions and suggestions, in the form of recommendations, addressed to public authorities regarding regulatory provisions in force or awaiting approval. In general, activity by the Office takes place in relation to regulatory provisions under approval procedure, either at the request of the proposing entity or at its own initiative, during the public hearing and information process. The Office takes the text of the regulatory initiative and all other documentation provided by the proposing entity into consideration to make the corresponding submissions and suggestions, without prejudice to future pronouncements by the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia.