In order to safeguard the independence and integrity of the Anti-Fraud Office, conflicts of interest are to be broadly interpreted to ensure that no member of the office shall, in the exercise of their duties, intervene in an issue in which they directly or indirectly have any type of interest – in particular personal, family or financial interests – that may compromise their impartiality.
Staff working for the Anti-Fraud Office must refrain from becoming involved in the following cases and must immediately notify the director of any such case:
- In those issues in which they have been involved or which are connected with companies or societies, the management, advice or administration of which they themselves or certain other people have contributed to in the two years prior to them joining the Anti-Fraud Office. These certain other people are their spouse or people with whom they live in a similar relationship based on affection and second-degree relatives.
- In matters in which they have a personal, family or financial interest, and also in any activity that may entail a risk of conflicts of interest with their responsibility to the Anti-Fraud Office.
It is the task of the director of the Anti-Fraud Office to decide whether a situation where abstention is required has arisen.
Not complying with the duty to abstain will give rise to action being taken against the member of staff.