Report corruption Do you know of a case of corruption or bad practice in the public sector in Catalonia? Are you aware of violations of Union Law and/or serious or very serious criminal and/or administrative violations of our legal system within the framework - in the terms of article 3 of Law 2/2023, of February 20- of a work, professional, contractual relationship or of a legal relationship of another type? The Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia offers various ways for you to report. The anonymity and confidentiality of the whistleblower is guaranteed so that he/she remains protected from risks or threats of reprisals or intimidation. In this way, it is intended to contribute to strengthening the integrity of the public sector in Catalonia. How can I report a corruption or fraud problem? Via the internet by using the Anonymous notification system (in Spanish). This is a safe channel, as long as you use the TOR anonymization network, for submitting reports since it: protects anonymity throughout the entire process, enables two-way communication and hides the identity of your computer or device (IP address) connected to the Web. Via the internet by filling in this form (in Spanish) and sending it by email to; or by attaching it to the Report corruption of our electronic headquarters (in Spanish), identifying yourself in advance by means of your digital certificate (electronic signature). In person to the general register of the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia (c/ Ribes, 1-3, 08013 Barcelona, Monday to Friday from 9.00 am to 2.00 pm). The documentation you provide will be digitized and returned to you. We will not keep a copy in paper format, therefore there is no need to provide photocopies of the documentation. In writing, by post, to the following address: Carrer Ribes, 1-3, 08013 Barcelona. You can also present the complaint verbally, through a face-to-face meeting or by telephone or electronic means. For more information call 935 545 555. Who can report corruption or fraud? Anyone can approach the Anti-Fraud Office to report any situation that may be regarded as corruption or fraudulent or illegal behaviour contrary to the common good. With the entry into force of Law 2/2023, regulating the protection of people who report on regulatory violations and the fight against corruption, anyone can contact the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia, as an external channel, to report violations of Union Law and/or serious or very serious criminal and administrative violations -in terms of article 63 of Law 2/2023, of February 20- of our legal system. Once the communication has been received, it is checked whether the Anti-Fraud Office has the competence to initiate actions and the procedure for admitting the complaint and verifying the plausibility of the facts reported is carried out. The reporting person must have reasonable grounds to believe that, based on the information available at the time of reporting, the facts reported are true. If the reporting person acts with awareness of the lack of veracity of the data provided or with the sole purpose of denigrating the reported person or institution, the corresponding responsibilities may be demanded. Basic details that must be included in the report Description in clear, simple and detailed language of the fact that motivates the complaint, with identification of the place and time of the events. If it's possible, Name of the administration or Catalan public-sector body being reported. Name of the natural person or entity or private company being reported. A brief explanation of the steps already taken and the context relating to the facts reported, which at the discretion of the reporting person may be of interest. If you have not chosen to submit an anonymous complaint, the name and surname, email address and/or postal address of the person making the report. Manifestation of renunciation of receiving communications referring to the actions that may derive from the report, in the event that the person making the complaint so wishes. Anonymous reports Submitting the report through the anonymous complaint box fully guarantees the anonymity of the identity of the person reporting (in the case of using the TOR anonymization network) and, at the same time, a channel of communication between the Anti-Fraud Office and the reporting person. In any case, you can submit complaints anonymously using any of the options we offer, except through the electronic headquarters form, since a digital signature is required in this case in order to be sent. Protection for the person submitting the report Any person who reports or alerts in the framework of the Anti-Fraud Office Law, or in the framework of Law 2/2023, of February 20, can obtain the status of protected whistleblower. Processing the report The Anti-Fraud Office processes all its actions independently, with the utmost reserve and confidentiality and in accordance with the law. The director of the Anti-Fraud Office, in instruction 2/2023, of September 13, sets guidelines relating to the reception, processing and resolution of complaints or communications made to the Antifraud Office of Catalonia. What can I report? You can report possible violations of Union Law and/or serious or very serious criminal and administrative violations of our legal system under the terms of Law 2/2023, of February 20. You can also report to the Anti-Fraud Office any acts of corruption that affect the general interests or the management of public funds in the public sector of Catalonia, of which you are aware. The Anti-Fraud Office, in its specific capacity as an Institution that fights corruption in the public sector of Catalonia, and without prejudice to the provisions of Law 2/2023, of February 20, can act with respect to: bodies in the public sector in Catalonia (the Government of Catalonia, town and city councils, provincial councils, county councils, public universities, public enterprises, etc.); bodies or private individuals who are contractors in the public sector, solely in relation to signed public contracts; and private organisations or individuals in receipt of subsidies from the public sector, solely in relation to the subsidies received. Thus, you can notify the Anti-Fraud Office of acts of corruption of which you are aware. As an example, it is appropriate to report the following behaviors: Illegal use or destination of public funds Subsidies not used for the purpose for which they were awarded Irregularities in public procurement Urban development irregularities Arbitrariness that leads to unequal access to public goods, subsidies and services Private and arbitrary gain from public goods and amenities Favorable treatment and other irregularities in the granting of licences, permits or authorisations Acceptance of gifts or favours by public servants Conflicts of interest, non-compliance with a duty to abstain and with rules and regulations on incompatibilities Unjust enrichment of authorities and public employees deriving from the exercise of their public duties Use for private gain of information acquired in the exercise of public duties Lack of transparency or any kind of obstacle to access to public information