Legal notice General information on the website of the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia and its contents The registered address of the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia is C/ Ribes1-3, 08013 Barcelona (tel. 935 545 555), email The web address,, is an Internet domain owned by the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia. The most significant regulations by which the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia is governed are the following: Law 14/2008 of November 5th, on the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia. Rules for Action and Internal Regulations of the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia, approved by the Institutional Affairs Committee of the Parliament of Catalonia in its session of 25/11/2009. The internal and governance by-laws of the Parliament of Catalonia. The primary purposes of the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia are as follows: To prevent corruption, advise and make recommendations on adopting measures against corruption, fraudulent practices and conduct that compromise integrity and transparency in the exercise of public functions. At the same time, to cooperate with competent authorities and collaborate in the training of public sector employees in this field, while promoting all relevant measures to achieve transparency in public sector management. To investigate possible specific cases of illegal use or allocation of public funds or any other irregular benefit deriving from conduct that involves a conflict of interest or use for private gain of information arising out of the functions inherent to the work of public sector personnel. Likewise, to submit to the competent administrative authorities, the Public Prosecutor’s Office and the judicial authority, as appropriate, any acts or conducts brought to the attention of the Anti-Fraud Office in which there are signs that a disciplinary offence has been committed or allegedly criminal acts or conducts have taken place. Conditions of use The use of this website constitutes full and explicit acceptance of the following conditions: This is a website that the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia makes available to users of the Internet with the aim of enabling access to the information and services that this institution provides. This website and all its contents, including texts, images and any other element are the property of the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia or third parties that have authorised their use. Reproduction of information contained on this website is authorised, with the exception of contents over which third parties possess intellectual or industrial property rights. The information contained on this website may not be distorted in any way. The website and its contents may not be altered in any way, except by those people who are expressly authorised to do so. Full or partial reproduction of the information available on this website is permitted with explicit mention of the source and the date of the last update. Use of the information contained on this website is authorise solely for non-commercial purposes. Liability relating to contents In accordance with the provisions of current legislation, the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia strives to ensure that the information, content and services offered or disseminated on its website are sufficiently compliant with the requirements of integrity, truthfulness, currency, accessibility and usability. In this regard, the date shown as the latest update should be borne in mind for all content matter. The Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia reserves the right to modify and delete website contents, and to limit or block access, on a temporary or permanent basis, without prior notice, in order to comply with the aforementioned statutory provisions. The Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia does not hold itself responsible for information that may be obtained through links to external systems which are not answerable to the institution.