The interview

Compilation of the interviews that have appeared in the newsletter of the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia. By clicking on the image will take you directly to the interview in audiovisual format on our Youtube channel, by clicking on the title will take you to the written version.

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Txetxu Ausín, philosopher and president of the Ethics Committee of the Superior Council of Scientific Research (CSIC)

"We already have extensive experience in integrity systems, in ethical codes, in commissions, in theoretical reflections, but what is needed is to permeate the ethical culture in the organizations" (in Spanish)

Txetxu Ausín, Philosopher and President of the Ethics Committee of the Superior Council of Scientific Research (CSIC)

De izq. a dcha.: Òscar Roca, Jordi Tres y Anabel Calvo

Next October, the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia will launch DialÈtic, a service aimed at the individual as a public servant, which offers self-training, examples of ethical dilemmas and, among other things, an external support service for doubts, concerns, dilemmas or problems of an ethical nature that may arise in your day-to-day professional life. (in Spanish)

The Director of Prevention of the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia, Òscar Roca, the Head of Training, Jordi Tres, and the Prevention Technician, Anabel Calvo, explain where this innovative idea came from, who it is addressed to and what its objectives are

De izquierda a derecha: Marta Neila, Carles Anson y Helena Carbonell

Anti-Fraud carried out a pilot test of DialÈtic with six public institutions during the year 2021. During the time that the test lasted, several presentation sessions were held in which the resources offered by this space were shared in a practical way. Once finished, a joint assessment was made of the space, the experience and the perception of the people who participated. (in Spanish)

To find out what experience they have had with this space, Anti-Fraud has interviewed: Marta Neila, from the Promotion Area of the Fundació Autónoma Solidaria; Carles Anson, Coordinator of the Open Government, Transparency and Corporate Social Responsibility Unit of the Vilanova i la Geltrú City Council; and Helena Carbonell, Technician of Strategic Planning and Electronic Administration of the City Council of Gavà

Edouard Perrin, investigative reporter, member of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) and chairman of Forbidden Stories

“Alerting is not only a matter of ethics or personal ethics, but also a matter of responsibility of the citizens in general” (in Spanish)

Edouard Perrin, Investigative reporter, member of the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) and chairman of Forbidden Stories

Jaime Far, director of the Office for the Prevention and Fight against Corruption of the Balearic Islands

“We need an alert system. A technology that allows offices to cross data of contracts and staff, could be very important” (in Spanish)

Jaime Far, Director of the Office for the Prevention and Fight against Corruption of the Balearic Islands

Round table with Ona Martínez and Begoña Ballvé

Terrassa and Mollet are committed to a public integrity system to systematize all the projects undertaken on transparency, good governance and ethics "to guarantee the right to good administration and to build and restore public trust in local administrations" (in Spanish)

Round table on public integrity with the Councilor for Transparency and Quality of the Terrassa City Council, Ona Martínez, and with the Auditor and Compliance officer of the Mollet del Vallés City Council, Begoña Ballvé. The Head of Anti-fraud Training, Jordi Tres, moderates