Final report The Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia has presented the final report of the compliance and integrity project during the "Congress on compliance and integrity in public entities", which was held on March 23 and 24, 2023 in Barcelona. This publication is the result of the project that has been developed within the framework of the collaboration agreement signed by the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia, the University of Castilla-La Mancha, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the University of Santiago de Compostela and the Università degli studi di Modena and Reggio Emilia. The objective of the project is to promote a culture of compliance and integrity in various types of public sector entities -public commercial companies, public entities of a business nature, consortiums- within the scope of action of the Anti-Fraud Office. The final report proposes 50 recommendations for this type of public sector entities grouped into 14 areas: general issues, compliance of owner administrations, attribution of compliance responsibilities, risk analysis, ethical codes, alert channels, dissemination and training, legitimacy of the compliance program, reaction to infringements, review and evaluation, transparency, conflict of interest, irregularities in public procurement and public subsidies. Regulatory compliance and integrity in public institutional sector entities in Catalonia Final report The following documents have also been presented on the occasion of the congress: Institutional Public Sector Entities and the Criminal Liability of Individuals In this document an approximation to the institutional public sector of the Administration of the Generalitat is carried out and the situation at the local level is briefly exposed. It concludes with an analysis of the application in the entities of the institutional public sector of the regime of criminal liability of individuals provided for in the Penal Code. Preventing Corruption in the Public Corporate Sector (PRECOSPE) Comparative report | Italy This document exposes the compliance systems regulated by Italian law for public companies and examines in detail the different types of public companies and the different consequences in terms of compliance obligations.