
One of the main problems in measuring corruption is the difficulty of obtaining reliable data on existing cases, a good deal of which is due to the diversity of measuring tools, whose scope, methodology and object differ considerably. So the indicators of citizens’ perception and the evolution of these indicators are extremely useful, among other reasons because economic agents and citizen response alters on the basis of perceptions.

The information on social attitudes to this phenomenon tells us about the level of acceptance of behaviour that lacks integrity.

This knowledge helps us define effective anti-corruption policies and actions aimed at bringing about the cultural changes that should occur at the same time.

The Anti-Fraud Office conducted its first monographic study encompassing all Catalonia in 2010. The barometers from 2012 and 2014 maintained the series on perception, which enables us to perform analysis from the comparative and evolutive perspective. Moreover, each study addresses specific, cross-cutting subjects, such as transparency or conflicts of interest.

Baròmetre 2024

Barometer 2024 Corruption in Catalonia: citizens’ perceptions and attitudes

The barometer 2024 collects the perceptions and attitudes of citizens regarding the phenomenon of corruption in Catalonia. The study, prepared by the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia, was carried out between October 18 and November 11, 2024, through online surveys of 2,000 people.

Barometer 2022

Barometer 2022 Corruption in Catalonia: citizens’ perceptions and attitudes

The 2022 barometer gives an insight into citizens’ perceptions and attitudes with regard to the phenomenon of corruption in Catalonia. The study, drawn up by the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia, was conducted from September 22 to October 11 2022, through online surveys of 1,858 people.

Baròmetre 2018

2020 Barometer Corruption in Catalonia: citizens’ perceptions and attitudes

The 2020 Barometer gives an insight into citizens’ perceptions and attitudes with regard to the phenomenon of corruption in Catalonia. The study, drawn up by the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia in collaboration with the Centre for Public Opinion Studies (CEO) of the Catalan Government, was conducted from 5 to 28 October 2020 through telephone calls to 850 people.

Baròmetre 2018

2018 Barometer Corruption in Catalonia: citizens’ perceptions and attitudes

The 2018 Barometer gives an insight into citizens’ perceptions and attitudes with regard to the phenomenon of corruption in Catalonia. The study, drawn up by the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia in collaboration with the Centre for Public Opinion Studies (CEO) of the Catalan Government, was conducted from 5 to 31 October 2018 through telephone calls to 850 people.

Analysis of the phenomenon of corruption in Catalonia

Analysis of the phenomenon of corruption in Catalonia. Based on data from the 2018 Anti-Fraud Office barometer

The purpose of this study, carried out by UB Professor of Political Science Marc Guinjoan, was to determine the individual profiles of the perception of corruption in Catalonia, its punishment and the predisposition to take action to fight it, through a rigorous analysis of the academic literature and available empirical data.


barometre 2016

2016 Barometer Corruption in Catalonia: citizens’ perceptions and attitudes

The 2016 Barometer gives an insight into citizens’ perceptions and attitudes with regard to the phenomenon of corruption in Catalonia. The study, drawn up by the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia in collaboration with the Centre for Public Opinion Studies (CEO) of the Catalan Government, was conducted from 17 to 25 October 2016 through telephone calls to 850 people.

barometre 2014

2014 Barometer Corruption in Catalonia: citizens’ perceptions and attitudes

The 2014 Barometer gives an insight into citizens’ perceptions and attitudes with regard to the phenomenon of corruption in Catalonia. The study, drawn up by the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia in collaboration with the Centre for Public Opinion Studies (CEO) of the Catalan Government, was conducted from 10 to 18 November 2014 by means of 800 telephone surveys with people throughout Catalonia.

barometre 2012

2012 Barometer Corruption in Catalonia: citizens’ perceptions and attitudes

The 2012 Barometer gives an insight into citizens’ perceptions and attitudes with regard to the phenomenon of corruption in Catalonia. The study, drawn up by the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia in collaboration with the Centre for Public Opinion Studies (CEO) of the Catalan Government, was conducted during the first fortnight of November 2012 by means of 800 telephone surveys with people throughout Catalonia.

Baromètre 2010

2010 Survey Corruption in Catalonia: citizens’ perceptions and attitudes

The 2010 Survey gives an insight into citizens’ perceptions and attitudes with regard to the phenomenon of corruption in Catalonia. The study, drawn up by the Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia in collaboration with the Centre for Public Opinion Studies (CEO) of the Catalan Government, was conducted during October 2010 by means of 2000 telephone surveys with people throughout Catalonia.