Anti-fraud signs the NEIWA's call three months before transposition of EU Directive on protection of whistleblowers into Member States' legislation The members of the NEIWA make a final call to the governments, administrations and other stakeholders involved in the implementation of the EU Directive on the protection of whistleblowers three months before the deadline for transposition, on December 17 The Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia is a member of the Network of European Integrity and Whistleblowing Authorities (NEIWA) EU directive on the protection of persons reporting infringements of Union law 17 September 2021. The Anti-Fraud Office of Catalonia, together with 28 other organizations belonging to NEIWA, sign the last call to ensure that the EU Directive for the protection of whistleblowers is implemented correctly and in time before the deadline of December 17 2021. The institutions that sign the call have met virtually today and thus continue the meetings in The Hague (May 2019), Paris (December 2019), Rome (June 2020), Brussels (December 2021), Utrecht (June 2021) as well as other sessions organized within the framework of the work of the Network and in which the Anti-Fraud Office has participated. Jaime Far, Director of the Office for the Prevention and Fight against Corruption of the Balearic Islands, participated in the meeting for the first time, in which he presented this institution as a new member of the NEIWA network. Two new members of the Network have also been introduced, the Slovak Whistleblower Protection Office and the new Danish Data Protection Authority. At the conclusion of today's virtual meeting, the members of NEIWA, in the spirit of sharing best practices, recommend the points included in the joint declaration that this last call makes to governments, administrations and other interlocutors involved in the implementation of the Directive.